The Lion’s take on the Global situation! 

animal africa zoo lion

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When I saw this photo, I knew I had to use it for this Blog!  It is absolutely perfect for the words of wisdom coming from our animals at this time of world’s struggle to survive – something they understand all too well.  The wisdom that comes from these amazing beings should lead us through and give us the courage, faith, trust and belief to come out on the other side of this Corona Virus with the help of those we turn to in times of troubles, our beloved animals!

So, in the many years I have been an Animal Communicator I’ve heard all kinds of stories, but what I love most about speaking with them is their advice and boy can it be a wise beyond our ability to comprehend.

In wanting to do something during this time, I decided to ask the animals of our world their thoughts, feelings and wisdom as we go through this global issue.  I know it may sound simplistic, but you will be amazed at their insight!  

This is the wisdom of the Lion!

The will of the animal can give us strength in any given situation, but especially now when so many are suffering in ways they have never known before so, therefore, are unpreared for.  And the unknown is very frightening.  The will to survive kicks in and truly only the strong survive in many instances.  People have been backed into corners they are very unfamiliar with and the future is very uncertain for millions.  This is a world tragedy, not just in our neighborhood but globally which is the blessing because instead of seeing our small sectors come together we have the opportunity to see the entire World come together as one and fight to get back up and survive. 

The wisdom of the Lion to us at this time is” Get Back Up!  Only the Strong Survive! Connect with the primal side of you that digs deep to say I can bring this forth with power and enlightenment for all.  It’s not just about survival, it’s about survival with honor that leaves respect in your wake wherever you go”. That’s the pride of the Lion.  In the survival of the Lion there will be times of extreme draught in their travels calling forth an energy to survive and then times of beautiful waters and streams to their fulfillment.  Times of danger from predators that lead to blissful days of peace and contentment like no other when there is complete safety.  They will be called on to protect their family and understand their place in the hierarchy of their species with humble deference and the wisdom to do it with pride.  And for the strong who do not survive, it will only be said that whatever was attacking whether an illness or predator it was something that was not going to be overcome.  

In the strength and wisdom of the Lion may we find that primal side of us that knows survival by digging deep to find our faith and to lean on the One who creates us to survive each day.  May we realize that survival is also about honor and how we as humans respond to tragedy and fear and what we leave behind us in the wake of this pandemic.  How we handle this as humans will leave an imprint just as the mighty paws do for the generations to come and will give testiment to the power of belief in something we cannot see, but know it’s there.  May we know that on the other side of danger are blissful days of peace and when called upon to protect our family and loved ones, we will reach beyond ourselves for strength and guidance.  Let us pray that the hierarchy of our Government and those in power will find a place of humbleness and deference through Grace and the wisdom to put pride side.  

And with the acceptance of the Lion, may we know that the ones who lost their lives fought the battle with strength and courage, called on their faith, left their imprint of honor for our future generation and moved on to the blissful days forever and Infinite contentment.






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