img_0117This is an amazing story of the day TONY and I went to the vet for his final diagnosis. Being an Animal Communicator, you would think that I could talk to my own animals but that has never been the case when it comes to something very emotional for us.  I have always called on other communicators which sounds crazy but my heart is too close when it comes to my own loved ones. 

However, on this particular day since we had quiet time alone to wait for the vet to speak with us about Tony’s cancer and how we should proceed I decided  “what the hell”. So I just started speaking with him to see how he was doing and his words I will always remember!

He said “Mom if I stay here with you and my family on my beautiful farm with peace and good health that will be great.  But if I go to heaven that’s great too. So basically Mom I’m in a win-win situation here, either way is going to be wonderful.  He said Mom HEAVEN DOESN’T SUCK!”

At that moment I totally got what he was saying. His life here was wonderful and he loved it and if he stayed it would continue to be wonderful. But if it was his time to transition that would be wonderful too. So either way it was a win-win and was going to be wonderful.

His words to me that day have forever changed the way I see the crossing over of our loved ones and I am blessed for it. I have repeated his words to many people faced with the situation of losing a beloved pet or human loved one and they have brought comfort and a different perspective. 

TONY passed peacefully in my arms and I knew he was going to his other “win” and that either way he was good!  May his words bring you peace as we look at the world through their perspective and experience how they see transisting from this life. In their eyes,     

“we are all in a win-win situation”.




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